Embedded ODBC Compliant Engine - Fully Transparent to SQL calls:
XC2 Software uses an embedded ODBC standards compliant engine.
Our “back-end” engine is not a separate installation from the XC2 program, it is completely integrated.
Installation is accomplished by a single installer program and takes very few minutes.
There is no “back-end” database engine or maintenance to become familiar with, apart from XC2 Server software itself.
XC2 is fully transparent to any SQL calls to the data using the freely available ODBC driver. Access to XC2 Data is via XC2 Server, not directly via the Data File itself.
XC2 Data can be fully accessed, queried, etc. via programs such as MS EXCEL, MS Access or any other program that uses ODBC and SQL to access data in external files.
Writing to XC2 data is not permitted via ODBC access.
There are some exceptions to this, such as being able to update GIS coordinates.
XC2 System Maintenance:
XC2 is near maintenance free. Periodic updates to the XC2 program are as simple as downloading and running an installer from our website. Updates are only required on the server, not on the client.
Database compaction and/or indexing rebuilding is suggested to be performed annually.
Easy to use tools are provided for this purpose.
There is no other maintenance that needs to be performed with XC2.
Time and human resources needed are an absolute minimum.
Server based application or service:
Server based program allows "Client" software to be installed on an unlimited number of workstations.
Concurrent Users limited by license.
XC2 Server Application must be installed on a Windows OS machine acting as a server. Server machine is not to be used as a workstation.
All communication between Client and Server is via TCP.
No user permissions need to be set on the server machine.
XC2 Client/Server engine has the ability to handle millions of records and up to 100 users with no performance loss, provided the server has adequate resources.
XC2 Server can be run as an application or as a Windows "Service".
If run as a "service" it must be logged on with the "Local System Account" and must be allowed to "Interact with the Desktop".
The "server" does not need to be dedicated, but the configuration must be robust and adequate to handle all applications running on that server.
"VMWare" is used by many of our customers. The server machine must be adequate to handle all applications.
Updating Programs:
Updates occur only on server computer.
Allows READ ONLY access from other systems via ODBC (Free ODBC Driver provided)
Users can have either READ/WRITE or READ ONLY access. Determined by System Admin.
Backup Scheduler:
Automatic Backup Scheduler allows backups of XC2 Data to be made automatically at scheduled times. Incremental backups can be created by the backup scheduler (up to 99 backups)
Export to your Billing System:
Backflow Device and Location data can be made available to your billing system or other system via automatically created text file. Export can be scheduled to automatically run on server.
Exporting - User Defined Reports:
Includes fully configurable, User definable custom report editor.
Unlimited Report formats may be saved and reloaded. Generated reports may be saved as Text files, or printed to paper/PDF.
External Report Editors such as Crystal Reports may be used with access via ODBC (Requires freely available ODBC Driver)
Includes fully configurable Export Editor for all tables.
Unlimited export scripts may be saved and reloaded at will, including export path.
Exports may be saved as ASCII Text, MS Word, MS EXCEL and DBF Files.
Other Information:
Please call EngSoft Solutions for Additional Information : 800.761.4999
• System Requirements
• System Requirements - Single-User Systems
• System Requirements - Server/Multi-User Systems
• XC2 Update from Billing System
• XC2 Update from Billing System - Import Guide
• XC2 Update from Billing System - User-Initiated Version
• XC2 Update from Billing System - Automatic-Server Version
• XC2 Update from Billing System - User-Documentation
• Registration Notes - Under Construction
• Installation Notes - Under Construction
• Data Conversion - Under Construction
• Administrator Preferences - Under Construction
• EZ Letters & Notices - Under Construction
• GIS Export & SetUp - Under Construction
• Technical Support Information - Under Construction
• Quick Report Editor - Under Construction
*Please see XC2 Software Solutions' Technical Support Agreement for details & exclusions.